What is Ceylon Cinnamon Logo

Pure Ceylon Cinnamon logo is the premier trademark for finest Ceylon Cinnamon that brings the entrusted to the world. The ‘Pure Ceylon Cinnamon’ certification mark can be used only on consumer cinnamon packs/value added products(Cinnamon in packets, bags, cartons, canisters tablets, pills, oils, oleoresins & extracts, fractionates, powder, paste, or in any other form of value added retail packs and packaged) containing Pure Ceylon Cinnamon manufactured in Sri Lanka.
Cinnamon in Sri Lanka

Cinnamon is the most important and valuable spice produced in Sri Lanka. Before the advent of modern food preservation technology Europeans have used Cinnamon with Pepper to preserve meet products. Cinnamon is used in bakery products, Asian foods and flavoured tea for its distinctive aroma & flavour. With growing concern on health hazards associated with synthetic flavouring agents used in the food industry there is an increasing preference for natural flavours world wide.
Ceylon Cinnamon as a Spice

Cinnamon was one of the first traded spices of the ancient world. Cinnamon was a popular spice in the ancient Arab world & Arab traders have paved the way for Cinnamon to travel a long distance through the spice route to the Europen market. Before the advent of modern food preservation technology Europeans have used Cinnamon to preserve food. Cinnamon has motivated many historical voyages leading to discovery of New World by Christopher Columbus and Vasco De Gamma to Sri Lanka & South India.
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